Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 8, 2020



Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 8, 2020


The U.S. Department of State is committed to ensuring that any personal information received by our overseas U.S. Embassies and Consulates pursuant to the STEP process, whether in person or otherwise, is safeguarded against unauthorized disclosure. The data that you provide the U.S. Department of State is subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act (5 USC 552a). This means that the U.S. Department of State will not disclose the information you provide us in your STEP application to any third parties unless you have given us written authorization to do so, or unless the disclosure is otherwise permitted by the Privacy Act.

AUTHORITY: The information solicited on this form is requested pursuant to provisions in 22 U.S.C. § 2715 and 22 U.S.C. § 4802(b) of the U.S. Code and 22 C.F.R. § 71.1 and 22 C.F.R. § 71.6 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

PURPOSE: To notify U.S. nationals in the event of a disaster, emergency or other crisis, and for evacuation coordination.

ROUTINE USES: The information solicited on this form may be made available as a routine use to appropriate agencies whether federal, state, local, or foreign, to assist the Department in the evacuation or provision of emergency service to U.S. nationals, or for law enforcement and administration purposes or pursuant to court order. The information is also made available to private U.S. nationals, known as wardens, designated by U.S. embassies to assist in communicating with the American community in an emergency. More information on the Routine Uses for the system can be found in System of Records Notice, State-05, Overseas Citizens Services Records.

DISCLOSURE: Providing the information requested on this form is purely voluntary. Failure to provide the requested information on the form could make it more difficult for the Department to notify the U.S. national respondent in the event of an emergency./// Câu nói người việt ở mỹ vẫn chưa yên được có thực? Bao điều tuyệt vời nơi đời sống người việt ở mỹ.

Cuộc sống muôn màu muôn vẻ của người việt tại Texas và rồi cuộc sống cộng đồng người việt ở mỹ như là mơ. Sao không tuyệt vời khi biết ràng nước mỹ là địa điểm có nhiều người việt định cư và bảo lãnh cha mẹ đi mỹ nhiều vào top trên thế giới. Số việt kiều mỹ tắng gấp đôi mỗi 10 năm với hơn 2,2 triệu người mỹ gốc việt đang sống giấc mơ mỹ. Sao không tuyệt vời khi người mỹ gốc việt nói riêng và cả người mỹ nói chung thời gian nào cũng có những vị tổng thống tuyệt vời không riêng gì tổng thống mỹ đương kim donald trump.////tai sao dua tin my lai hinh anh vn? cung mong quy vi thong cam; co the ban khong can nhung nhieu nguoi can;mot chut hinh anh that ở vn duoc donate shaering dac biet goi den quy ong ba co bac lau chua co dip ve tham que; nen mong duoc nhin lai ; nay kenh dac biet dung mot chut hinh anh duoc ghi lai sau nhieu dip de qiup mong uoc nay thanh thanh hien thuc/////


/0855420185 bioynnaw 0832545399/


 For domestic payment by bank transfer, please clearly add following required information into TRANSFER INFORMATION box, including:


For example:

If you purchase 811 Single-ended Mark IIIs Special Edition Amplifier. You can add into transfer information box as following: 811SE MK3s Special 0912887645

If you purchase 3 products such as Eros9 Loudspeaker, DL50 Mark III Bluetooth Amplifier, DAC Tube Music Processor Standard. You can add into transfer information box as following: Eros DL50mk3 BlueT TMP Stand 0912887645

Thivanlabs’s bank accounts are listed below:
1. Bank name: VIETCOMBANK – Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (Ngân hàng Ngoại Thương Việt Nam – Vietcombank)
Bank account name: NGUYEN MINH CHAU
Account number: 0721000551229
Bank Branch: Ky Dong (Kỳ Đồng)
2. Bank name: ASIA COMMERCIAL BANK (Ngân hàng Thương mại cổ phần Á Châu – ACB)
Bank account name: NGUYEN HOANG THI
Account number: 23159569
Bank Branch: Tan Binh (Tân Bình)
3. Bank name: Joint Stock Commercial Bank For Investment And Development Of Vietnam (Ngân hàng Đầu tư & Phát triển Việt Nam – BIDV)
Bank account name: NGUYEN MINH CHAU
Account number: 13010001156523
Bank Branch: Le Van Sy (Lê Văn Sỹ)
4. Bank name: Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade (Ngân hàng Thương mại cổ phần Công thương Việt Nam – VIETINBANK)
Bank account name: NGUYEN MINH CHAU
Account number: 105004765040
Bank branch: Chi nhanh 1 TPHCM
5. Bank name: Orient Commercial Joint Stock Bank (Ngân hàng Phương Đông Việt Nam – OCB )
Bank account name: NGUYEN MINH CHAU
Account number: 0100100043210008
Bank branch: Chi nhanh 1 TPHCM


For international bank transfer

For customers directly purchasing and paying to Thivanlabs from oversea, please clearly add following required information into TRANSFER INFORMATION box, including:



PURCHASER’S SURNAME & FIRST NAME : as shown on invoice

CITY / COUNTRY : City and country where you provide us for shipping as shown on invoice

INVOICE NUMBER : as shown on invoice

For example: John Smith Newyork US TVL17829


International payment method:

1. For international bank transfer

Currency: USD
Bank name: ASIA COMMERCIAL BANK (Ngân hàng ACB)
Address: 442 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, VIETNAM
Swift code: ASCBVNVX
Bank account name: NGUYEN MINH CHAU
Account number: 240558019
Bank branch: Ky Dong, Ho Chi Minh City
Receiver address: 812/39 Truong Sa, Ward 14, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

2. Paying with PAYPAL :

Please go to the link for an easy and fast payment PAYPAL.ME/THIVANLABS/
